Vanoo Laser creates beauty machines project for you professionally.
Multifunctional operation
multifunctional operation has been a lot of beauty body instrument when the choose and buy, because many customers consider the choice a this kind of multi-function equipment is equivalent to choose several operation instrument, to the newly opened store or to carry out multiple beauty salon project at the same time, it was a very good choice.
what are multifunctional operation? First there was the e light beauty instrument, the instrument of this series believe that everyone has been very understand, but small make up or to make a brief introduction, e light beauty of hairdressing apparatus can carry out projects including remove spots, red blood silk operation, such as acne, hair removal operations, tender skin. And is popular because it is over, e light beauty, there have been several generation of products, from the early photons, photons to OPT, now almost every generation of product sales and far from other cosmetic instrument, the key is e light beauty instrument prices are cheaper, many customers may ask function so much the price is so cheap is the result is bad, in fact is not the case, make e light effect is quite good, and the price is quite low mainly because the technology with other instruments.
in addition a multi-function meter is long pulse laser operation, mainly used for hair removal, operating abnormal vascular lesions, delicate skin. In the long pulse laser hair removal qualifications in black color, and for light color hair such as lip hair removal effect is good. In the aspect of operation abnormal vascular lesions in addition to like e light beauty instrument operation red blood silk can also reduce varicose veins, operating nevus flammeus, etc. And just a few years since the market reaction, and long pulse laser tender skin effect is better than the other instruments, the reason is that the wavelength of 1064 nm long pulse is not only conducive to tender skin and penetration depth is deep, so the effect is good.
the above is the small make up of the multi-function instrument, the space is limited, for fewer instrument is introduced,