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What are the main crowd rf anti-wrinkle taboos

by:Vanoo      2021-02-07
Radio frequency (rf) what are the main crowd anti-wrinkle taboos,

now people's pursuit for beauty greatly than in the past, we all wanted to show his good side, especially female friends. As time goes by, many people face will appear fine wrinkles, some sad, some people did not dare to look in the mirror, don't be afraid, rf anti-wrinkle cosmetic instrument can help people solve the problem of wrinkles easily, but what are the main rf anti-wrinkle taboo crowd? This is wrinkles people need to know, can avoid many problems.

rf anti-wrinkle instruments to realize method of wrinkles, can reduce fine wrinkles, and can also improve the face, eyes, jaw, neck, arm, etc. The local relaxation. For stretch marks, hips and thighs of orange peel change effect is more obvious, and it also can have very good effect to body sculpture. Although said rf anti-wrinkle effect is obvious, but for the love of beauty is sags have obvious organization, people older than 60 years, generally do not adopt rf except knit.

rf anti-wrinkle instrument using a specially designed probe, the effects of the thermal effects on the skin, the skin deep heat is strong, not harm to the surface of the skin. When collagen heating will produce immediate contraction phenomenon, new and hyperplasia of collagen, the skin will appear enriched by collagen hyperplasia, reduce fine lines at the same time, the skin will be full of flexibility. Rf anti-wrinkle taboo but the crowd mainly include the following:

1, the pregnancy cannot be rf except knit.

2, allergic reaction to the extreme cold, heat stimulation.

3, scar constitution, or operation area with serious skin problems.

4, local infectious skin problems, open skin lesions.

5, the scope of the rf anti-wrinkle cannot have metal material, such as installing heart rhythm is, women on the ring and gold should let the doctor guidance.

6, epilepsy and psychosis patients, patients with severe cardiopulmonary function of liver and kidney is not complete, and so on.

rf who mainly have a taboo? Many people may think that as long as there are wrinkles rf beauty equipment can be used to anti-wrinkle, actually not so, taboo crowd will not remove wrinkles, and other problems may occur, so preoperative must communicate and physicians.

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