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Picosecond laser where good?

by:Vanoo      2021-02-07
Picosecond laser where good?

mentioned picosecond laser, the industry is no stranger to this, this is a new kind of laser skin technology, can help people to solve a variety of skin problems, restore people's normal life. Picosecond laser can operate all kinds of skin spots and dermal pigment spots, the contraction pore, to black head, make skin white and smooth, shine YanXinSheng, but good picosecond laser?

picosecond laser apparatus, fill the deficiency of the traditional remove spots instruments, from nanoseconds to picosecond, realized the qualitative leap. Unlike traditional laser picosecond laser melanin blasting can be fine, as a result, organizations to absorb good, good nature, and the thermal damage degree even negligible, at the same time stimulate collagen hyperplasia, can let both inside and outside the new skin, to achieve the effect of natural freshman. Picosecond laser remove melanin, the more obvious, and the effect of removing rate is high, can shorten the operating frequency, the higher the skin also.

for example, for instance, if you compare the deposition of pigment particles inside the body to rock, the traditional laser can rock breaking into pebbles size, and picosecond laser can to smash it into dust. Because of the speed of picosecond laser, so the blasting capability is strong, fine, blasting tissues is good, is good also. Picosecond laser cosmetic instrument not only can quickly remove melanin, also can improve the appearance of fine lines, pore bulky, wrinkles and other problems, make whole face skin tight and smooth and tender skin effect is obvious.

picosecond laser where good? Facing the more and more appear on the market of picosecond laser, many teachers do not know how to choose, and Shanghai's company is a professional beauty equipment suppliers, is that you choose picosecond laser instrument trustworthy beauty equipment manufacturer,

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